Sunday, August 18, 2024

God’s wisdom exceeds what man can imagine.


Sermon for Pentecost 13, August 18, 2024

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.  Amen.

1 Corinthians 2:6-16  6Yet we do speak wisdom among those who are mature, but it is not a wisdom of this world or of the rulers of this world, who are being reduced to nothing.  7Instead we speak God’s wisdom that has been hidden in mysterybefore the ages, God foreordained that this wisdom would result in our glory.  8None of the rulers of this world knew it.  (If they had known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.)  9But as it is written: “What no eye has seen and no ear has heard and no human mind has conceivedthat is what God has prepared for those who love him.”  10But God revealed it to us through his Spirit.  For the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.  11Indeed, who among men knows a man’s thoughts except the man’s spirit within him?  So also, no one else knows God’s thoughts except God’s Spirit.  12What we received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we might know the blessings freely given to us by God.  13We also speak about these things, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual truths with spiritual words.  14However, an unspiritual person does not accept the truths taught by God’s Spirit, because they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually evaluated.  15But the spiritual person evaluates all things, and he himself is evaluated by no one.  16Indeed, “Who has known the mind of the Lord?  Who will instruct him?”  But we have the mind of Christ. (EHV)

God’s wisdom exceeds what man can imagine.

Dear brothers and sister redeemed by the blood of the Lamb,

            The Judeans of Jesus’ day considered themselves keepers of wisdom as they dreamed of a return to the glories of David and Solomon’s kingdom.  The Roman Empire of that time considered itself to be the most powerful force on the planet and the leaders of that kingdom confidently thought themselves smarter and wiser than any other people around them.

In much the same way, the great thinkers of our time believe themselves the holders of all that is wise and good.  So much do they think of themselves that many of them mock anyone who might be involved in the Christian faith.  Some say religion is a crutch to get us through our troubles.  Some imagine us fools for believing in what they consider myths and tall tales.  Yet, there remains one constant in all of this—something that has not changed since Cain wandered the earth searching for some purpose after being cursed by God for his wicked murder of his brother and rebellion against God’s wisdom—that one thing is this, God’s wisdom exceeds what man can imagine.

Throughout the course of human existence, mankind has tried to find wisdom, success, and power in his own understanding.  We see this today as scholars and scientists routinely imagine great thoughts for how this world came to be, though the Bible clearly shows that their ideas are figments of their overactive imaginations.  Even as these men and women discover more and more of the mysteries of how this world works, most of them still miss the hand of the Creator behind everything in this world.  Archeologists search and dig for clues to explain what happened in the past and predict what we might expect in the future, but again, their imaginations far exceed their abilities. 

Now, there is nothing wrong with their searching for the mysteries of creation except that they rule out the clear truth that God is the force and Creator of everything in the universe.  Furthermore, mankind has never been able to discover the true purpose behind our lives and everything we deal with in this world.  As Paul explains by the inspiration of the Spirit, “What no eye has seen and no ear has heard and no human mind has conceivedthat is what God has prepared for those who love him.”

You see, dear friends, there is more to life than existing on this planet until we die.  God created us to live, and to have a relationship with Him that lasts forever.  God created us to have a people He could care for, and He created this world so we would have a place to live and meaningful work for our lives.

Part of what confuses the human mind is that things changed drastically when Adam and Eve fell into sin.  No longer was there peace and harmony in God’s creation.  No longer was man at peace with God.  In fact, mankind began to fear God and be terrified of His judgement because we all fell under the curse of sin which is death.  We lost our likeness to God’s perfect image.  We lost the ability to do His will.  We lost the knowledge of His perfect love.  Then, when mankind’s wickedness grew to unbearable limits, God destroyed the world with a flood that altered earth’s entire landscape completely.  Thus, the more people try to live without God, the more confused they become.

Therefore, unbeknownst to the natural man, Jesus came into this world to restore what we lost in the fall.  He came into this world to make us right with God, to take away the curse of sin by becoming sin for us, (2 Corinthians 5:21) and to live righteous holiness in our place so that God could count us as if we had never sinned at all.  The leaders of the Jews and Roman authorities had no understanding of God’s plan to save us, yet their devious hatred for God’s Son led to them carrying out the death that gives us life.  This is what Paul is talking about in our text. 

As Paul proclaimed the Good News of all Jesus had done to save us from eternal damnation, many people rejected the teachings as incomprehensible.  Today, just like it has been throughout history, God’s Word cannot be comprehended apart from the work of the Holy Spirit.  At the same time, we rejoice, because the Spirit works through that Word of grace to give us understanding of God’s salvation plan and work.  It is the Spirit working in us through the Gospel that opens our eyes and our minds to the truth of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ—all because God’s wisdom exceeds what man can imagine.

Now, in the kingdom of the world, none of this makes any sense at all.  Natural man assumes that he must do something to please and satisfy whatever god he trusts.  Yet, the harder he tries, the further he gets from the salvation that is granted only by grace through faith.  Therefore, like Paul and his fellow apostles sent out by Jesus, “We preach Christ crucifiedwhich is offensive to Jews and foolishness to Greeks, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God.  We preach Christ crucified, because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” (1 Corinthians 1:23-25)

No human thought could ever devise such a plan to save foolish sinners from the judgment and condemnation we all deserved, but God is not merely a just God, He also loves us with an unending love that desires to save us from our own foolishness.

Of course, no matter how hard we might have tried to discover God and to reconcile ourselves with Him, we lacked any kind of ability to do so.  Accordingly, God sent out His messengers to bring us the message of life.  With His Spirit working through and by the Gospel, God changes us from the foolishness of our own thinking to possessors of true wisdom and the gift of forgiveness and salvation.  The Gospel becomes both the means and the truth that gives us faith in Jesus.

Here, Paul wrote, “What we received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we might know the blessings freely given to us by God.”  The blessings God’s Spirit has brought to us have given us understanding that worked our faith in all that Jesus has done to reconcile us with God.  That means that having heard the prophecies of the Old Testament that point to Jesus as the Savior of the world, and then hearing how Jesus has fulfilled those prophecies with His life, death, and resurrection, we were taught the wisdom of God which gives us life.

No plan we might have devised would have satisfied God’s righteous judgment and still brought us reconciliation and everlasting life.  God’s plan, however, works perfectly for His purpose, because His own dear Son took on our guilt and paid the price for us all with His death on the cross.  Therefore, the demand of the Law is satisfied, and by the power of the Father in heaven, Jesus was raised from the dead to live forever.  For His commitment to His Father’s will and amazing sacrifice, Jesus is now granted authority to judge and rule the world for those who believe in Him.

Dear friends, for the natural mind, there is a lot of mystery in God’s plan of action.  Yet, God is not confused, nor is He diminished by the grace He has shown us.  In fact, God glorifies Himself by being the salvation we need to be reconciled with Him.  Thus, just as He intended from the beginning, we now have a relationship of peace with our Creator, and God has provided everything we have needed to dwell safely with Him both now and in eternity.

Because of the life, death, and resurrection of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, and by the faith in Him worked in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, you and I possess the keys to the kingdom of heaven.  Through the washing grace of the water and Word of Baptism, we are cleansed of all that God would find detestable, and by His holy will, we have been adopted into His family, with all the privileges of those who inherit the victory Jesus won for all on the cross.

May the Holy Spirit, by the Gospel in Word and Sacrament, continue to strengthen your hope and confidence in God’s salvation work so that when Jesus returns to judge the world, He will welcome you into everlasting glory.  All, because God’s wisdom exceeds what man can imagine.  Amen.

Amen.  Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and might belong to our God forever and ever.  Amen.

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