Funeral sermon for Lael Bahn, September 28,
to you and abiding peace from God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
our words of comfort this afternoon, we read in the name of our dear Savior,
Jesus Christ, the words of His Father, our Almighty God, given to us through
His prophet, Isaiah:
Isaiah 45:15-19 15 Indeed,
you are a God who hides himself. You are
the God of Israel, the Savior. 16 They
will be ashamed. All of them will also
be disgraced. Together they will walk in
humiliation—those experts at crafting images.
17 Israel will be saved by the Lord with
everlasting salvation. You will not be
ashamed or disgraced for all eternity. 18 This
is what the Lord says. He created the
heavens, He is God! He formed the earth
and made it. Yes, he established it! He did not create it to remain empty. He formed it to be inhabited. I am the Lord, and there is no other. 19 I did not speak in
secret, or from someplace in a land of darkness. I did not say to the descendants of Jacob,
“Seek me in the midst of chaos.” I, the
Lord, am speaking in righteousness. I am
declaring what is right. (EHV)
O Lord, we are gathered in sorrow, yet not as those who have no hope. We thank You for all the blessings bestowed
upon our brother, now fallen asleep, and for all the blessings given through
him. But most of all, we thank You for
making him Your own dear child by faith in Christ Jesus. Give us all the faith that trusts in Jesus
always. We ask this all in Christ’s holy
name. Amen.
Our God saves.
Dear LuAnn, Liesl, Damon,
extended family, and friends gathered in Lael’s memory,
As a faithful Christian who had attended countless church
services and played for more funerals than I would care to guess, Lael left
specific instructions about what he wanted me to talk about at his funeral, and
he didn’t want me talking too much about him.
Lael understood that most of you knew him better than I ever would. He also knew that his accomplishments on
earth, while many, wouldn’t earn him a place in heaven, so Lael instructed me
to talk about the One who loved him above any human love, God the Father who
created him, God the Son who redeemed him, and God the Holy Spirit who
sanctified him. The Triune God gave Lael
everlasting life because Our God saves.
In essence,
Lael wanted me to tell you about his truest Friend. Now, many of you might think of a friend as
someone you have fun with, but a true friend will give you the shirt off his
back. Our God does better than that. Isaiah said, “This is what the Lord
says. He created the heavens, He is
God! He formed the earth and made
it. Yes, he established it! He did not create it to remain empty. He formed it to be inhabited.” God the Father made this world as a place
where we could live, move, and have our being, and He gave Lael a place in
it. He gave Lael life and knit Lael
together in such a way that he had a talent and love for music which God then moved
Lael to develop so that he could beautify the lives and worship of those around
him. God built Lael with skills,
compassion, and a love for helping children who needed extra care and guidance
in their journey to adulthood.
In the
beginning, God gave Adam a suitable partner. (Genesis 2:20) The word used there means someone who is
ideally and obviously a good fit. God the
Father gave Lael a suitable partner who would be his loving companion,
travelling partner, support, and caregiver, and through LuAnn God gave Lael a
daughter in Liesl with whom he could pour out his love and demonstrate his care
for someone most precious to him.
Now, the
sceptic might scoff at the idea that God did any of this, but that’s because we
often think too small. The Almighty
Creator doesn’t make Himself visible to the world. He is beyond the world yet encompassing the
whole universe, and because we all have been corrupted with sin, God told
Moses, “You cannot see my face, for no human may see me and live.”
(Exodus 33:20) Thus in His love, God
protects us from destruction by hiding Himself until our corruption is taken
Many a friend has proven to be a fair-weather
friend, not willing to stick around when we hurt them. Lael wanted me to tell you about God the Son,
who not only promises, “Surely I am with you always until the end of the age,”
(Matthew 28:20) but God the Son came into this world expressly to take to
Himself all the hurt we have ever caused anyone, even His Father in heaven.
A good friend will stand with you in times of
trouble. Our truest Friend not only
stands with us, but He stood in our place to bear the curse of sin so that we
might be freed from sin and death. Jesus
told His friends, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his
life for his friends.” (John 15:13)
The Bible says, “The wages of sin is death.”
(Romans 6:23) The evidence for that is
right here in front of us this afternoon.
Even the good man isn’t holy enough to avoid death. However, God’s Son, Jesus, was not willing to
let our deaths be permanent. Because the
law demands death for sinners, and eternal separation from our holy Creator,
God the Father sent His Son to be the atoning sacrifice that redeemed us from
that awful fate. Living His whole life
in perfect obedience and submission to the Father’s will, Jesus then gave His
life on a cross so that after this physical death, Lael and all others who
trust in Christ Jesus, will live in the glory of heaven forever. You see, “God made Him, who did not know
sin, to become sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”
(2 Corinthians 5:21)
In our corruption, we could not be in God’s
presence, but God the Son came into the world to change all that with His holy
life and sacrificial death, and because of the redemption price Jesus paid on
our behalf, St. Paul wrote triumphantly about Judgment Day:
The trumpet will sound,
and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For this perishable body must put on
imperishability, and this mortal body must put on immortality. But once this perishable body has put on
imperishability, and this mortal body has put on immortality, then what is
written will be fulfilled: Death is swallowed up in victory. Death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory? The sting of death is sin, and the power of
sin is the law. But thanks be to God,
who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! (1 Corinthians 15:53-57)
Some friends are yes-men, willing to tell you
whatever they think you want to hear. A
true Friend tells you as it is, even when it hurts. In order that we might see what we look like
to God, and so that we might know about Jesus and the sacrifice He made to save
us, the Father and the Son together sent God the Holy Spirit to bring the Word
of God to the world and use it to sanctify those who hear it. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, Our God saves.
Through Isaiah, God says, “I am the Lord,
and there is no other. I did not speak
in secret, or from someplace in a land of darkness. I did not say to the descendants of Jacob, ‘Seek
me in the midst of chaos.’ I, the Lord,
am speaking in righteousness. I am
declaring what is right.” By the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit, God brought to light our need for a Savior with
the law. The law shows our sinfulness
before God in such a way that no one can pretend to be holy. “I take no pleasure in the death of anyone
who dies,” declares the Lord God. “So
repent and live!” (Ezekiel 18:32).
The law, however, can do nothing to save us,
therefore God the Holy Spirit didn’t stop with just the law. Isaiah declared, “You are the God of
Israel, the Savior. They will be
ashamed. All of them will also be
disgraced. Together they will walk in
humiliation—those experts at crafting images.
Israel will be saved by the Lord with everlasting salvation.” Anyone who does not trust in Jesus for
forgiveness and salvation worships an idol that cannot save from the wrath of
God. Even the atheist who claims there
is no god is bowing down to the idol in his mirror.
God the Holy Spirit loves us enough to tell us
the truth. He gave us the law to convict
us, and He shares the love of God in Christ through the Gospel so that we might
be made holy to live forever. Under the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit, St. Paul wrote, “I am not ashamed of the
gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.”
(Romans 1:16)
Though “the sinful mind is hostile to God,”
(Romans 8:7) God the Holy Spirit works to change that and to save us through
the power of His Gospel. Through the
Spirit, God promises, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit
inside you. I will remove the heart of
stone from your body and give you a heart of flesh. I will put my Spirit within you…You will be
my people, and I will be your God. I
will save you from all your impurity.” (Ezekiel 36:27-29)
Dear friends, your dear brother, father,
husband, and friend wanted you all to hear again about his truest Friend who
had worked in Lael the sure and certain hope of life everlasting through Jesus. Confident in the grace of God and the
forgiveness that was his in Jesus, Lael could face his physical troubles, even
death, knowing that this isn’t the end, but his best days lie ahead in the
heavenly home Jesus has prepared for Him.
The Triune God is your truest Friend, as well,
whether you believe in Him or not, because God the Father gave you life and
everything you need for body and life.
God the Son gave Himself into torment and a bloody death to cover your
sins and redeem your soul from death and destruction, and God the Holy Spirit
gives His holy Word to bring to you the Good News of all that God has done for
you since time began and how He has done everything needed to make you right
with Him and righteous in His judgment.
Turn to your dearest Friend and live.
Trust the God who gave Himself for you, because Our God saves. Amen.
The peace of
God, established and won for you and for all by the sacrifice of God’s own
precious Son, be with you always to the very end of the age. Amen.
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